ARIAKE s/s 2019

屏幕快照 2018-12-10 上午12.11.49.png
屏幕快照 2018-12-10 上午12.12.02.png



Kabuki refers to a style of theatre once considered avant-garde.Costumes and especially makeup are essential aspects of Kabuki theatre. Kabuki makeup is supposed to change depending on the actors’ characterization. It is important for the design of the makeup to fit the individual’s features so that it reflects their inner self. On top of this a lot of transformational makeup is used so the actor can be portrayed as the supernatural and super human. The most dramatic makeup is worn by ghosts or demons.


Ariake’s target market is 18-25 years old women which likes the combination of traditional cultured and modern elements. They like bright colors, culture inspired patterns and flowing silhouettes. The Kabuki inspired street wear collection is using some traditional textile design and colors from Kabuki’s costumes and facial painting, which is very vibrant and playful. 

Applies techniques& skills: Digital design, photoshop, adobe Illustrator